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History Repeating Itself

July 19th, 1848 women and men gathered at the Seneca Falls Convention. This is where 68 women and 32 men signed the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments written by former women's activist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The Declaration of Rights and Sentiments demanded more rights and equality to women. Women were being seen as less and were struggling to make it in a "mans' world". However,women were not going to take being degraded anymore. Many of them angry with being stuck at home abiding by the social norm came out to support what they believed was right. Women were meant to belong to a public sphere and be given the same opportunities as men. Decades passed, it is now the year 2017 and women are still struggling to be treated as individuals. My main focus is the right of abortion, how we need to keep abortion safe and legal. The importance of abortion is hidden and it needs to be known and talked about. It is like July 19th, 1848 all over again, but as they say history is constantly repeating itself. 

The Declaration of Rights and Sentiments 

The Declaration of Rights and Sentiments was written by women's activist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton it was a rewritten Declaration based upon the Declaration of Independence itself. The document discussed women's rights and equality during the time. Stanton did an outstanding job pointing out her main argument and putting her emotion through it. The Declaration of Rights and Sentiments was published at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848. If you want to read the well written Declaration of Rights and Sentiments itself click "Read More".

The Importance of Safe and Legal Abortion

Abortion is a heavy topic among society. Everyone has their own views on the topic and all should be respected. However, people who are against abortion don't technically understand the reasons behind many abortions and why it should be a safe and legal procedure given to any woman when needed. There are many health risks that come with taking away the right to abort. Yes, this does include many health risks. Statistics show that when a woman comes isn't given the opportunity to have a legal abortion she can turn to very unhealthy avenues. If the pregnancy is unwanted and the procedure can't be done safely she may turn to very harmful options. Women could easily turn to someone who isn't qualified to do the procedure or even worse, induce the miscarriage themselves. Women could go to unsanitary places to get the procedure done and not even have traditional, needed post surgical care. Frightening complications can occur if the procedure isn't done properly and in a professional environment. Research indicates that before abortion was legalized in the United States, thousands of women underwent illegal abortions every year. An estimation of 78,000 deaths occur each year as a result of the approximately 20 million illegal and unsafe abortion procedures that take place worldwide. Statistics show that restricting access to abortion does nothing to prevent high numbers of abortions, instead it causes major public health risks and discriminates against the poor. "Since the rights to life, health, health care, and security of person are considered fundamental human rights under international law, restricting access to abortion is a pressing human rights issue." According to Lee, M. and Sprague Nancy authors of "Abortion Is a Women’s Health Issue and Should Be a Constitutional Right."

Abortion and the Poor

Women who live in a poor environment with economical hardships face unwanted pregnancies more often because their knowledge of safe sex and access to contraceptives is limited.  Complicated paperwork tend to delay the abortions of poor women until later in the pregnancy, when the procedure becomes more prone to complications. Many women who face economic hardships are forced to carry their unwanted pregnancies to term. Allowing women to have the opportunity to have children when they are ready reduces the chances of the child growing up under harsh limited conditions, this can lead to criminal activity in their future. Unwanted pregnancies can create a burden on the poor. Allowing safe and legal abortions allows women to bear a child whenever they are ready and able to raise them properly.

Abortion Should Be A Fundamental Right

Abortion is a deeply personal choice. Having a child means having many responsibilities that some women are not ready to undergo emotionally, financially, physically or economically. Some women are just not in the appropriate position to have a child. The ability to choose whether or not to have an abortion is a fundamental right, protecting this right means we do not allow the government to interfere with a women's personal life. Protecting this right also means women do not allow the government to make their personal decisions and protect women from not being controlled. We need to promote independence and freedom from external control. 

What Can We Do?

In order to create a change within this situation we need to educate and be educated. Educating people about family planning and letting them know more about safe sex can lessen the amount of abortions taking place. Also, making contraception more available can reduce the number of unwanted pregancies due to the safe sex that is being acquired. These are only two ways to solving the problem of the large number of unplanned pregnancies. There is data that supports that better birth control access leads to lower abortion rates. We should also continue fighting for women's rights to her own body. All women should have the right to have safe and legal abortions and not be discriminated from access to contraceptives. 

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